
What is a Parents and Citizens Association?

The objective of a P&C Association is to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens and teaching staff together. We provide equipment required by the school and assist the school in the establishment of school policy and management.

How do we raise money for the school?

Through the efforts of all our volunteers we run a number of fundraising events every year.

The P&C also run the Canteens, and the Uniform Shop, with profits going towards the school. Decisions around the types of events that will be run, and how the funds will be spent are made by the P&C committee, in consultation with the school, at the general meetings. We encourage everyone who has an interest to join and have their say.

P&C Businesses

The P&C run both the primary and secondary canteens and the uniform shop. We employ staff as well as welcome volunteers from the community. P&C business profits make up significant amounts for the funding contributions provided to the school by the P&C. We could not run successful businesses without a team of dedicated staff to whom we say thank you!

Our commitment to our people

Whether you are in the Uniform Shop or the Canteens, please remember the vital role our staff play in students’ day to day life at school.

We believe in fostering a safe and healthy workplace environment that sets the right example for the school community.

If there is a problem with canteen or uniform shop, we will do what we can to resolve it. But aggressive or intimidating behaviour towards our staff is never OK. We respect you. Please respect our people too.

HANDBOOK & Constitution

You can find the P&C Handbook, the Constitution, and meeting minutes here.


Current vacancies and information about working for the P&C can be found here.

Contact the P&C

  • Operations@wscpc.com.au
  • President@wscpc.com.au
  • Vicepresident@wscpc.com.au
  • Treasurer@wscpc.com.au